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Cage Bird Winners

About Thomas Hore

I am a third generation pigeon fancier with passion for pigeons & animals. I have been successful right up to the highest level of competition winning 2 x 1st Open National races. I was one of the youngest fanciers to ever win 1st Open in the Irish National Flying club and also 1st Open in the IHU National Flying Club. I also successfully exhibited cage birds winning in many shows all over Ireland. Having being diagnosed with two different types of Epilepsy in the last few years it is not easy to do normal things some days. Among many factors stress and worrying about different things are the main issues that cause me to take epileptic seizures which is not a very nice experience. Designing the pigeon photos helps at times to reduce my stress levels as my love for pigeons takes away the stress etc that I experience with many other things. Small problems that normal people experience can be a major trigger to set off a seizure for me.  


I believe that the sport of pigeon racing can be more appealing to fanciers and non fanciers and also modernized and brought up to date in some areas.  


One of these areas is how we highlight and promote our champion birds and fanciers.

In pigeon racing the Internet is now a major part and is probably where the majority of people showcase and sell their pigeons.


I give my all to design the very best pictures possible to give fanciers pigeons the exposure, publicity and credit that they rightly deserve. These images can then be shared all over the World on social media etc and will be seen and noticed by fanciers from all corners of the Earth. The images can also be printed and framed and then displayed in fanciers homes. lofts, club houses or anywhere they want or published in magazines like the British Homing World or Racing Pigeon or any publication depending on what country the fancier lives in.


When fanciers are looking to invest in new pigeons for their lofts it makes it  a lot more attractive to them when they can visually see and appreciate pictures of the pigeons themselves or the parents, grandparents etc of the pigeons that they are potentially going to purchase and there is no better way to do so than by designing a personalized picture that is customized to suit and portray each pigeon individually. 

When I read the pigeon magazines and look at online auctions the majority of photos that are being used to show off the birds all look the same with just plain white or plain colour backgrounds which in my opinion doesn't make any of them standout from the rest. I believe there is no better way in this situation to make your birds stand out and grab potential buyers attention than by having your own personalized images and pedigrees uniquely designed especially for you and your lofts. Imagine reading the Blackpool edition of the BHW where this is a book full of auctions and you are one of the only ones with your own personal designs. It should really get peoples attention to read who owns these birds instead of just turning the page without even reading about the auction.

Many fanciers are very proud of their performances and pigeons so there is no better way to  show how proud you are than to have a photo designed of your pigeons and PERSONALIZE YOUR PRIDE & JOY

Since I started designing photos for my own pigeons, for my club and for friends my designs started to be noticed by fanciers from all over and also other countries and now I have designed images for fanciers from almost 30 different countries from all over the World including:


Ireland - USA - Australia - England - South Africa -Scotland - Japan - Wales - Portugal - Hungary - Northern Ireland- Malta - Belgium - Philippines - Netherlands - Canada- Indonesia -  Italy - Mexico - Turkey - Croatia - Germany - France - Greece - Spain - United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia - Puerto Rico




In my experiences in the past fanciers needed to make appointments with photographers/designers to have their pigeons photos taken and designed. The photographer usually needs to visit the lofts to take the photos which would often add travel expenses to the overall cost or or if this wasn’t the arrangement the fancier would need to basket their pigeons and then travel themselves to meet the photographer at a show or gathering which again is extra cost in petrol/diesel and also takes extra time for the fancier in order to do so.


Now there is no need to worry about making appointments or any of these issues as


All you need to do is take the photo of the pigeons yourself in the comfort of your own home and loft at your own convenience and then email the photo to me or send it to me on facebook and I design the photo for you as you want.


The photo can be taken in the loft, in a nest box, on a perch or anywhere you want to. In the past I have had fanciers take the photo in a cardboard box and when the photo was sent to me it was perfect for me to work with.  There is no need for expensive cameras as a lot of the photos that can be seen on this website were taken by fanciers on THEIR MOBILE PHONES and then sent to me. The photo below was taken by myself on an Alcatel phone that was purchased in Tesco when the pigeon was heavy in the moult. Take a look at the before & then two different pictures that I designed using this photo (taken on the Tesco phone) and see for yourself what can be done:

Tesco Phone Photo.jpg
Thomas Champion Old Bird 2015 3d.jpg
Thomas Champion Old Bird 2015 tall.jpg

Before Image                                                            Design 1                                                           Design 2

Designing the images in this way has allowed me to design photos for fanciers from anywhere as it doesn't make any difference where you live or where you are located. I have designed images for fanciers now from almost 30 different countries from all over the World including:


Ireland - USA - Australia - England - South Africa -Scotland - Japan - Wales - Portugal - Hungary - Northern Ireland- Malta Belgium - Philippines - Netherlands - Canada- Indonesia -  Italy - Mexico - Turkey - Croatia - Germany - France - Greece

Spain - United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia - Puerto Rico etc


Why take the photos yourself:

This benefits you with:


No travel expenses for the fancier or the designer.


No stress on pigeons that can be caused by basketing them up and travelling to meet up with photographers at shows and gatherings.


Fanciers can take the photos at your own convenience, whenever is best for them, at any time they want to. There is no need to spend a whole day travelling somewhere when you can take them when it is best for you.

Other Reasons for choosing my designs:



FREE updates on all photos


Fast turnaround time

Make your birds standout from others with their own identity and backgrounds that reflect their name or character and grab other fancierss attention.

Finished designs are emailed to fanciers and can also be printed out in many sizes and posted to fancier at very reasonable prices.

My own pigeons:

Below are a small selection of some of the pigeons housed at my lofts that performed really well at National level and that done really well in the more prestigious races when they were racing.  (More to be added soon)

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